What are google hidden search settings and how to use that on mobile

What are google’s hidden search settings and how to use that on mobile

Hello, friends,

f today’s era is called the era of google or the INTERNET, then it will not be wrong. Then it can also be said that the internet is becoming an essential part of our daily life.

Many people consider Google to be the Internet.

By the way, many people keep searching related to their quires on google. Or keep searching on Google to use the services of the online site.

In this way, it is quite easy to search for information.

But along with this, there are also options for some important settings of Google.

About which you will not know so much.

Today, in this post, I will give you details about all those setting options of Google.

1. Search History – The first option in the search settings is Search History. By turning on this option, you can choose whether you want to save your search history or not.

For this, you can also see the above pic.
2. The second option is to Optimize pages for faster loading- By clicking this option, you can optimize the speed of loading of pages of any website.

3. Safe Search Filter – Safe Search Filter or Google Safe Search is a kind of content filter that shows you results by filtering explicit content. But the thing to keep in mind is that
A safe search filter does not give 100% accurate results.
4. The fourth option is video search.
As if you search about any video in Google, then will that video play automatically, or will it play automatically wifi itself. You can select this option for all such settings.

5. Handwritten search – Handwrite search is also a great feature of Google’s search settings.
By clicking on it you will write whatever is on the screen. Google textbox automatically detects and fills it.
This is well explained in the picture below.

6. Auto-complete with trending searches-google option which is in our list. If this option is on, it will automatically show you the list of trading searches as soon as you click it in the search box. With this, you can also know what is going on in the most popular at this time.

7. Which option is Region Search Results- Using this option, you can filter your search results on the basis of a particular country or region.

8. Language in Google products- This is also a great option for google. With this, you can easily choose the default tool language of Google. In this, you will find almost every type of option.

9. Language for search results – Using this setting option, you can also customize the language of the search results.

So, friends, you have seen that you have read in detail about some important settings on Google given above. Apart from this, if you want to know about some other types of settings, then definitely comment.


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