YouTube is the best video-sharing platform or website.
You can share videos related to your skill, Hobby, or any other talent like (Singing, Dancing, painting, etc.
It is the second most popular platform after Google to search for anything But still, it is growing day by day.
This platform was developed by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005.
Google bought YouTube in November 2006.
So Anyone can make their channel on YouTube easily and share their talent of any kind.
after some time when your channel reaches specific points, you can earn money from them by placing ads on your channel with the help of Google Adsense or other ad agencies.
even, you can earn money on YouTube through paid promotional videos.
How To Create a YouTube Channel Effectively

See image.

5. So friends, a new will be displayed. fill the option of that window and select the create button.

Now you can make videos and publish them on your channel.
So for this keep learning and practicing your skills more and more so that you can make extraordinary videos for your subscribers.
The main goal of any channel should be to share valuable information with its viewers from my point of view.
You can watch a full video on this topic on my YouTube channel.
Now your new channel is ready. You can make videos about your skill or talent, and upload
them on your channel.
I can show you how you can upload your videos on your YouTube channel.
So, friends, you have seen how it is so easy to create a new YouTube Channel. But remember one thing if you have the best talent only then your channel will
survive in the future.
It is not a one-day or one-month work. It is a very long journey.
You have to be well prepared to make videos about your talent and skill then you can find more and more viewers for your channel.
Only original and people-interest-based channels can survive for a long time.
So if you want to earn money from your YouTube channel. You have to be very picky about video uploading.
Make the best videos and share all information clearly by using some creative
techniques. Learn new things about the channel every day.
What Other Most Hit channels are watched daily? Also, analyze
their strategy and way of sharing information.
How they maintained their channel by watching them you can learn lots of knowledge.
So please follow my advice, if you want to be a successful YouTuber.
Start your channel journey today.
Thanks For Reading.